
Action Center

The FCC Releases the Third Annual Report on 988 Telecom Fees
October 30, 2024 by Katie Keys, Public Policy & Government Affairs, Vibrant Emotional Health

On October 17, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (the FCC or Commission) released its third annual report on the collection and distribution of fees in 2023 at the state level to support the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988 Lifeline) crisis centers. While the federal government has invested millions of dollars in the 988 Lifeline to expand access, finding other sustainable funding sources is paramount to strengthening the network of over 200 crisis centers nationwide. As the country continues to face unprecedented levels of individuals struggling with mental health and suicide ideation, it is critical to have an accessible resource like the 988 Lifeline.  

In 2023, five states – California, Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, and Washington – collected and distributed more than $110 million in 988 fees. These funds enabled these states to cover expenses for facilities, staff, administrative costs, and mobile dispatches specifically for crisis centers which are part of the 988 Lifeline. That same year, three additional states – Delaware, Minnesota, and Oregon – established mechanisms to collect and distribute 988 fees, while two other states – Maryland and Vermont – passed legislation to establish a 988 fee. Often referred to as “surcharges,” these fees are small and range from 8 to 40 cents added to wireless phone services. These additional funds supplement federal investments in the 988 Lifeline and other funding streams from the public and private sectors, ensuring access and support for the increasing call volume as more help seekers use crisis services. 

Since transitioning to the three-digit 988 Lifeline in 2022, more than 10 million people have used the service. Since then, answer rates have improved, meaning that more calls are answered in a shorter time, which is crucial when someone is in crisis. As more people utilize the service, the 988 Lifeline must have enough crisis counselors and sufficient resourcing to meet the growing demand. Vibrant Emotional Health celebrates ongoing efforts to increase funding for the crisis centers which are the heart and soul of the 988 Lifeline through state-level 988 fees. However, more work must be done, as only 1 in 5 states have implemented a fee. We must ensure that the 988 Lifeline crisis centers have sustained funding so individuals can continue to access help 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Please click here for more detailed information about the 988 telecom fees. 

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