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Biden-Harris Administration Release New Data on How the Inflation Reduction Act Lowers Health Costs for Women
April 17, 2024 by Katie Keys, Public Policy & Government Affairs, Vibrant Emotional Health

On April 2, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Planning and Evaluation Office released new research showing how the Inflation Reduction Act will lower medical costs for women enrolled in Medicare, including nearly 30 million women who rely on Medicare for their drug coverage. Women in the United States are disproportionately impacted by high healthcare costs, and the Inflation Reduction Act is addressing the cost disparities for women while lowering prescription costs for all people with Medicare. The findings emphasize that if the Act were enacted in 2020, over 730,000 women would have benefited from a $35 per month cap on insulin. In 2021, nearly 2 million women would not have out-of-pocket costs for their Medicare drug coverage. With women facing disproportionately higher rates of certain health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and asthma, that can have high prescription drug costs, women significantly benefit from cost savings made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act. 

To learn more about the Inflation Reduction Act’s impacts on women’s health, read here.  

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