
Action Center

Mental Health Wins in the Federal 2024 Budget
March 27, 2024 by Vibrant Emotional Health Public Policy & Government Affairs Department

Thank you to all our advocates; the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Budget had some great mental health wins, including increased funding for Vibrant's top federal priority, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. In this tight fiscal environment, receiving an increase is a MAJOR win. 

The Federal Fiscal Year 2024 budget for health and human service programs was signed into law this week and below are several mental health highlights: 

  • $519 million for 988 & Behavioral Health Crisis Services, which is an increase of $18 million over the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 budget
  • $1.01 billion for the Community Mental Health Block Grant, which is the same amount of funding provided in the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 budget
  • $385 million for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, which is the same amount of funding provided in the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 budget
  • $1.953 million for Disaster Response including the Disaster Distress Helpline, which is the same amount of funding provided in the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 budget
  • $14 million for peer support in the Behavioral Health Workforce and Education Training (BHWET) program for training, internships, and national certification for mental health and substance abuse peer support specialists


Thank you for helping to amplify the importance of these and other mental health programs. Join the Public Policy Action List to receive information on mental health policy initiatives. 

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