This week, Vibrant Emotional Health joined more than 20 national organizations calling on congressional leadership to advance the DHS Suicide Prevention and Resiliency for Law Enforcement Act. This bipartisan legislation — which both the House Homeland Security Committee and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee advanced earlier this year — will provide officers of the Department of Homeland Security with mental health resources and training and ultimately prevent suicide.
The Department of Homeland Security is the nation’s largest law enforcement agency, with more than 80,000 offices spread across nine agencies. Law enforcement officers are more vulnerable to stressors and traumatic incidents that put them at higher risk for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or injury. This legislation will establish a mental health and emotional well-being program for DHS, as well as provide suicide prevention and resiliency support and training for families of law enforcement agents and officers. The Act also strives to decrease stigma by increasing workplace access to resources and peer support.
Click here to read the full sign-on letter.