
Action Center

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Answered Nearly 5 Million Contacts in its First Year
July 13, 2023 by Vibrant Public Policy and Government Affairs

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline  (988 Lifeline) is administered by Vibrant Emotional Health (Vibrant), one of the nation’s leading mental health organizations. The 988 Lifeline comprises a network of more than 200 state and local call centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Today, Vibrant announced that since launching last July, crisis centers contracted through The 988 Lifeline answered nearly 5 million calls, texts, and chats from people looking for help with suicide, mental health, and substance use-related crises -- an increase of almost 2 million contacts since moving to a nationwide, three-digit dialing code just one year ago. 

In addition to this accomplishment, HHS and its 988 Lifeline partners announced the addition of Spanish text and chat services. Spanish speakers can press 2 when calling 988, text AYUDA to 988, or chat online at 988lineadevida.org or 988lifeline.org.

Click here to read more. 

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