
Action Center

ICYMI Vibrant Hosts 988 Crisis Services Workforce Webinar
May 19, 2023 by Vibrant Public Policy Department

Vibrant's Public Policy Department held its most recent webinar on May 10th, a roundtable on the 988 Crisis Services Workforce. 

Ensuring a robust workforce, particularly in the crisis services field, continues to be a hot topic. Moderator and Vibrant Director of 988 Workforce Management Katherine Polanco was joined by panelists Dr. Amy Watson, a professor from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Lata Menon, CEO of First Choice Services, West Virginia; Arlene Stephenson, Senior Advisor at NASMHPD; Guy Dansie, Utah State EMS Director, and Findley Montgomery, Senior Manager of Helpline Training at Samaritans, Inc, Boston, Massachusetts to address some of the challenges as well as the strategies they are utilizing to address workforce issues.

In addition to discussing and sharing the recently released version of the Workforce Challenges and Barriers Analysis and Recommendations, some of the topline strategies mentioned were recruiting volunteers to work as crisis counselor staff members, training EMT and fire department personnel to perform mental health triage, and championing second chance employment to offer employment opportunities for individuals in recovery, domestic violence survivors, suicide attempt and loss survivors, as well as loved ones of those who struggle with addiction or untreated behavioral health issues. Suggestions from panelists to elevate the crisis services workforce included offering certificates or crisis tracks at community colleges for individuals who are interested in crisis center work but cannot complete a degree, and adding a mental health responder to every fire call and police call, creating a three-pronged response effort to address the needs of those requesting help. 

When available, a webinar recording will be sent to registrants and added to this post.

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