
Action Center

Grants Available (May 2023 Deadlines)
April 7, 2023 by Vibrant Public Policy Department

Cooperative Agreement for the Hispanic/Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

Short Title: Hispanic/Latino CoE
Application Due Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Anticipated Total Available Funding: Up $1,125,000
Anticipated Number of Awards: One (1)

The purpose of this program is to establish a Center of Excellence (CoE) to advance the behavioral health equity of Hispanic/Latino communities. It is expected that the recipient will (1) develop and disseminate culturally informed, evidence-based behavioral health information); (2) provide training and technical assistance (TTA) on evidence-based and best practices in mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment and recovery from mental health and substance use disorders (SUD); and (3) expand the behavioral health workforce for Hispanic and Latino communities.


Click here for more information.

American Indian and Alaska Native Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

Short Title: AIAN CoE
Application Due Date: Friday, May 26, 2023
Anticipated Total Available Funding: Up to $1,500,000
Anticipated # of Awards: One (1)


The purpose of the AIAN CoE program is to establish a CoE to advance the behavioral health equity of American Indians and Alaska Natives. It is expected that the recipient will (1) develop and disseminate culturally-informed, evidence-based behavioral health information and (2) provide technical assistance and training on issues related to addressing behavioral health disparities in AIAN communities. AIANs have consistently experienced disparities in access to healthcare services, funding, and resources; quality and quantity of services; treatment outcomes; and health education and prevention services.


Click here for more information.

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