
Action Center

988 State Policy Report Feb 6 2023
February 14, 2023 by Vibrant Policy Department

988 Policy Report 

Dates: Year to date 

Issues: 988 

Bill Status: Introduced, Considering 

Priorities: High, Medium, Low, None 

Positions: Support, Monitor, Oppose, None 

Bills: 17 Bills 

Regulations: 0 Regulations 

North America Policy 1 Bills, 0 Regulations 

US HR 498 High Priority 

Title: To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to secure the suicide prevention lifeline from cybersecurity incidents and for other purposes. 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 25, 2023 

Last Action Date: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. January 25, 2023 

Summary: This bill would add coordinating with the Chief Information Security Office at HHS as a required activity of the Lifeline program. The bill would also require the network administrator and other entities in the network to notify SAMHSA of cybersecurity vulnerabilities, incidents, and potential incidents. The bill would require a Government Accountability Office report on cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the network. Location: United States


US Policy Map 

You are tracking 1 US-Federal Bills and 0 US-Federal Regulations. You're also following state data as detailed below. 


US Policy 16 Bills, 0 Regulations 

HI SB 1334 

Title: Relating To Homeland Security. 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 25, 2023 

Last Action Date: Re-Referred to PSM, JDC/WAM. February 01, 2023 Description: Formally establishes the Hawaii State Fusion Center as a program under the Office of Homeland Security to be transferred to the Department of Law Enforcement and delineates its roles and responsibilities. 

Location: US-HI 




HI SB 1472 

Title: Relating To Behavioral Health Services. 

Current Status: Introduced


Introduction Date: January 25, 2023 

Last Action Date: The committee(s) on HHS recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in HHS were as follows: 5 Aye(s): Senator(s) San Buenaventura, Aquino, Moriwaki, Shimabukuro, Awa; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 0 Excused: none. February 03, 2023 

Description: Appropriates funds for the expansion and enhancement of the suicide crisis hotline and crisis management services provided by contracted service providers through the Hawaii CARES Crisis Helpline; expansion and enhancement of the crisis mobile outreach services provided by contracted service providers through the Hawaii CARES Crisis Helpline; expansion of licensed crisis residential shelter services provided by contracted service providers through the Hawaii CARES Crisis Helpline; and expansion of bed stabilization services provided by contracted service providers through the Hawaii CARES Crisis Helpline. Location: US-HI 




IL HB 1364 

Title: 9-8-8 Task Force 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 23, 2023 

Last Action Date: Referred to Rules Committee. January 31, 2023 

Summary: Would create the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force and includes the following: - The 988 Task Force make-up including representatives from the House, Senate, various Cabinet members appointed by the Governor, service providers from regional and statewide 988 call centers, providers of community-based mobile crisis response services, and a rep. of an MH or SUD advocacy organization, among others. - The 988 Task Force would be required to review data, existing stakeholder recommendations, governmental infrastructures, other state models, SAMHSA & Vibrant initiatives, call center testimony, and create an action plan for the Governor and General Assembly to review. Description: Creates the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force Act. Provides that the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force shall be composed of 12 appointed members and the State's Chief Behavioral Health Officer or the Officer's representative. Provides that the 2 Task Force co-chairs shall appoint experts to contribute and participate in the Task Force as nonvoting members. Provides for meetings of the Task Force and responsibilities relating to the examination of the first year of implementation and use of the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in Illinois. Requires the development of an action plan with specified recommendations to be filed with the Governor and General Assembly by December 31, 2023. Includes legislative findings. Repeals the Act on January 1, 2025. Effective immediately. 

Location: US-IL


Organization Notes 

Emailed crisis centers to inform them of introduction - 1/27/23 

Created by Caitlin Davidson • Jan 27, 2023 



IN SB 1 

Title: Behavioral health matters. 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 09, 2023 

Last Action Date: Senator Melton was added as a co-author. January 26, 2023 Summary: Would codify 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the state and would instruct the Office of the Secretary of Family and Social Services to - Apply to the United States DHHS (1) for a Medicaid state plan amendment a waiver or an amendment to an existing waiver to require reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services; or (2) to participate in the expansion of a community mental health services demonstration program. - Requires the division of mental health and addiction to establish and maintain a helpline: (1) to provide confidential emotional support and referrals to certain resources to individuals who call the helpline, and (2) that is accessible by calling a toll-free telephone number. The bill also: - Reestablishes the Indiana behavioral health commission. - Changes the name of the "9-8-8 crisis hotline center" to "9-8-8 crisis response center". - Makes an appropriation of $15M in FY23-24 and $15M in FY24-25 to fund community mental health centers in 1) establishing CCBHCs and 2) providing crisis response services, including mobile crisis teams and crisis receiving and stabilization services. 

Description: Provides that, not later than December 31, 2024, the office of the secretary of family and social services shall apply to the United States Department of Health and Human Services: (1) for a Medicaid state plan amendment, a waiver, or an amendment to an existing waiver to require reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services; or (2) to participate in the expansion of a community mental health services demonstration program. Requires the division of mental health and addiction to establish and maintain a helpline: (1) to provide confidential emotional support and referrals to certain resources to individuals who call the helpline, and (2) that is accessible by calling a toll-free telephone number. Reestablishes the Indiana behavioral health commission. Changes the name of the "9-8-8 crisis hotline center" to "9-8-8 crisis response center". Makes an appropriation. Makes conforming changes. 

Location: US-IN 


Organization Notes 

Email sent to crisis centers re: hearing - 1/27/23


Created by Caitlin Davidson • Jan 27, 2023 



MD SB 3 

Title: 9–8–8 Trust Fund – Funding 

Current Status: Considering 

Introduction Date: November 17, 2022 

Last Action Date: Referred Health and Government Operations. January 31, 2023 Summary: Appropriates $12M in 988 Trust Fund. 

Description: Requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill for fiscal year 2025 an appropriation of $12,000,000 to the 9-8-8 Trust Fund. 

Location: US-MD 


Organization Notes 

Notified centers of the bill on 1/19 and sent an email with hearing info and action center/NRC links on 1/27 

Created by Caitlin Davidson • Jan 27, 2023 



MD HB 271 

Title: 9–8–8 Trust Fund – Funding 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 25, 2023 

Last Action Date: Hearing 2/07 at 3:00 p.m. January 29, 2023 

Description: Requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill for fiscal year 2025 an appropriation of $12,000,000 to the 9-8-8 Trust Fund for the purpose of designating and maintaining 9-8-8 as the universal telephone number for a national suicide prevention and 

mental health crisis hotline and for developing and implementing a statewide initiative for coordinating and delivering behavioral health crisis response services in the State. Location: US-MD 




MN SF 418 

Title: Provision for including suicide prevention information on student identification cards Current Status: Introduced


Introduction Date: January 19, 2023 

Last Action Date: Referred to Education Policy. January 19, 2023 

Location: US-MN 




ND SB 2149 

Title: Relating to the creation of the 988 crisis hotline program and the 988 crisis stabilization fund and the imposition of a 988 access fee; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide for a legislative management report; to provide an appropriation; and to provide an effective date. 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 06, 2023 

Last Action Date: Rereferred to Appropriations. February 02, 2023 

Description: A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 50-06 and chapter 57-40.7 of the 2 North Dakota Century Code, relating to the creation of the 988 crisis hotline program and the 3 988 crisis stabilization fund and the imposition of a 988 access fee; to provide a continuing 4 appropriation; to provide for a legislative management report; to provide an appropriation; and 5 to provide an effective date. Location: US-ND 

North Dakota 



NH SB 85 

Title: relative to emergency behavioral health services and behavioral health crisis programs. 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 18, 2023 

Last Action Date: Hearing: 01/25/2023, Room 101, LOB, 09:30 am; SC 7. January 19, 2023 Summary: 1) Defines behavioral health crisis programs within the mental health treatment laws. 2) Creates a commission to study behavioral health crisis programs. 3) Limits pre-authorization requirements for emergency behavioral health services. Location: US-NH 

New Hampshire 



OR HB 2757


Title: Relating to crisis services; prescribing an effective date. 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 09, 2023 

Last Action Date: Public Hearing scheduled. February 06, 2023 

Description: Expands and provides funding for a coordinated crisis services system, including 9-8-8 suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline. Imposes unspecified tax on consumers and retail subscribers who have telecommunications service or interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol service and who have prepaid telecommunications services to pay for crisis services system. It takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die. Location: US-OR 


Organization Notes 

Establishes a 988 fee: of .50/monthly. 

Created by Jordan Pantalone • Jan 17, 2023 



RI HB 5199 

Title: An Act Relating To Making Revised Appropriations In Support Of Fy 2023 Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 19, 2023 

Last Action Date: Introduced, referred to House Finance. January 19, 2023 Location: US-RI 

Rhode Island 



RI HB 5200 

Title: An Act Making Appropriations For The Support Of The State For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 19, 2023 

Last Action Date: Introduced, referred to House Finance. January 19, 2023 Location: US-RI 

VA SB 1044 

Title: Public schools and public higher educational institutions; student identification cards. Current Status: Considering


Introduction Date: January 08, 2023 

Last Action Date: Senate: Read the third time and passed Senate (39-Y 0-N). January 24, 2023 Description: Public schools and public institutions of higher education; student identification cards; 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline telephone number required. Requires each local school division that issues student identification cards for any grade level, kindergarten through grade 12, and each public institution of higher education that issues student identification cards to clearly and conspicuously include on one side of each student identification card the telephone number for the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (formerly the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) and to annually review the telephone number for accuracy and currency. The bill provides that each new student identification card and any replacement student identification card issued by any school division or by any public institution of higher education must comply with the provisions of the bill beginning with the 2023-2024 school year. 

Location: US-VA 




WV HB 3054 

Title: Student Suicide Prevention - ID Cards 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 25, 2023 

Last Action Date: Filed for introduction. January 25, 2023 

Location: US-WV 

West Virginia 



WV HB 3019 

Title: Relating to student suicide prevention 

Current Status: Introduced 

Introduction Date: January 25, 2023 

Last Action Date: Filed for introduction. January 25, 2023 

Location: US-WV 

West Virginia 



WY HB 65 

Title: 988 suicide prevention.


Current Status: Considering 

Introduction Date: December 29, 2022 

Last Action Date: S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor. February 02, 2023 Description: AN ACT relating to suicide prevention; establishing the 988 system for suicide prevention and mental health crises; providing requirements for the 988 system; establishing duties of the department of health; providing rulemaking authority; providing for an advisory board; establishing the 988 trust fund and a related reserve account; providing for allocation of funds within and between the accounts; specifying immunity for telecommunications providers; specifying confidentiality of information; providing for implementation of the act; and providing for an effective date. 

Location: US-WY 


Organization Notes 

Bill is loosely based on the model legislation. Establishes a 988 trust fund for WY, with 40 million directly to the trust fund and another $6 million to the reserve account. 

Created by Jordan Pantalone • Dec 30, 2022



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