
Action Center

Vibrant Provides Comments on SAMHSA’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Updated Certification Criteria
February 7, 2023 by Vibrant Policy Department

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently solicited public comments on updates to Certification Criteria for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs). CCBHCs are an essential component of the crisis continuum. They increase access to comprehensive behavioral health care for all individuals, regardless of their ability to pay, place of residence, or age. CCBHCs provide nine core services, either directly or through partnerships - the first core service being crisis care. 


In January, Vibrant Emotional Health submitted comments on the updated CCBHC certification criteria. Vibrant’s comments focused on including the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988 Lifeline) as a key partner in the crisis care continuum and the updated focus on health equity.  SAMHSA updated multiple sections of the certification criteria, including Staffing, Availability, and Accessibility of Services, Care Coordination, Scope of Services, and Quality and Other Reporting, to recognize the transition of the Lifeline to 988 and the importance of the continuum coordination in serving individuals and their loved ones experiencing a suicidal or mental health crisis. 


For the 988 Lifeline network centers, the updated certification criteria means more formalized partnerships with other providers in the mental health continuum, and for individuals in crisis, gaps in care can be mitigated, allowing for better outcomes. Vibrant looks forward to a continued partnership with SAMHSA states and CCBHCs on 988 implementation and the updated certification criteria. 

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