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Vibrant Emotional Health Provides Comments on FEMA’s Crisis Counseling and Training Program Proposed Changes
January 11, 2023 by Vibrant Policy Department

Vibrant Emotional Health recently submitted public comments on proposed changes that would ensure access to mental health counseling services to all eligible survivors following a major disaster through updates to the federal Crisis Counseling and Training Program (CCP). The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a notice for comments on the CCP, which provides federal funding to a state or Tribe’s request for crisis counseling services for a Presidentially declared major disaster. FEMA’s proposed changes include revisions to sub-questions on two CCP forms, the Immediate Services Program (ISP) Application and Regular Services Program (RSP) Application, that aim to increase the transparency of states’ and tribes’ plans for accessibility. 


Vibrant recommendations include further detail to ensure CCPs have a clear understanding of the need for the ISP and RSP to be equitable and accessible and also include a definition of the term accessible. Recognizing the mental health needs of diverse, intersectional, and historically marginalized communities often disproportionately impacted by disasters is imperative. Additionally, Vibrant recommends highlighting outreach and cultural competency training aspects of the CCP, along with the proposed form language revisions. 

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