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BoatU.S. on Watch: Showing up in California
March 14, 2024 by The BoatU.S. Government Affairs Team
Credit: Getty Images/Siegfried Schnepf

A basic political axiom is that you have to show how much you care about an issue before you tell them how much you know. And there is no better way to show you care than to show up and meet with policymakers in person to make your case.

California's boaters are facing several issues that could have an impact on their boating. The question of how to sustain the state's Watercraft Revolving Fund continues. The fund provides support to boating infrastructure like boat ramps and pumpouts in addition to water law enforcement and safety.

Legislation has also been proposed that would require manufacturers of marine flares to develop a program for their disposal at the end of their useful life. And we continue to advocate for keeping outdoor recreation accessible to all as the state works to conserve 30% of its land and water.

These issues were discussed extensively at the California Boating Congress (CBC), where BoatUS met with our state partner, the Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC) and other recreational boating groups. The CBC brings together the full range of recreational boating stakeholders such as marine dealers, harbor masters and boaters to hear from and lobby state officials.

The BoatUS Government Affairs Team is always working to stay in front of policy trends on the water. Showing up matters.

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