BoatU.S. Government Affairs joined with a wide-ranging group of recreational angling and boating policy associations to meet with Federal Officials from agencies that work on improving fishing opportunities. Feds representing U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and National Marine Sanctuaries briefed the gathering on their programs to improve fishing for all Americans.
"Keeping a focus on access is a top policy priority for boaters" noted David Kennedy, BoatU.S. Manager of Government Affairs. "We are a champion of programs such as the Boating Infrastructure Grant program administered by the Fish & Wildlife Service."
Each agency has unique missions, authorities and regulations that interact with recreational angling. Ultimately, boaters want the chance to sustainable fish regardless of which government agency(ies)'s rules apply in a particular area. BoatU.S. continues to be #OnWatch for boating anglers.