New York Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz, the drug industry's most loyal toady in Albany, has a bill that seeks to repeal in effect parts of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Dinowitz's would ban religious exemptions from vaccine mandates for employment and college. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 gives people with religious beliefs, including beliefs contrary to some or all aspects of vaccination, a right to a, "reasonable accommodation" by employers, which is exactly what Dinowitz seeks to eliminate. How a state law would supersede a federal law is something we will leave up to Dinowitz to explain.
Take Action
Please use the panel to the right to send a message to your Assemblymember letting them know you oppose this bill.
And please call your Assemblymember and let him or her know politely that you oppose Dinowitz’s effort to repeal parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Look up your Assemblymember here:
Dinowitz knows nothing about vaccines or vaccine policy, and he has contempt for religious beliefs different from his own. He is the author of the 2019 bill that eliminated the religious exemption for K-12 students, which made New York one of only four states that have repealed their religious exemption. In a video still on the New York Assembly website, Dinowitz's calls religious beliefs that conflict with vaccination policy "utter garbage." You can see a video of Dinowitz making this statement on his Facebook page at 3:15
No matter what else you might say about Dinowitz, there is no denying that he is the hardest working person in Albany for the giant companies that control the global vaccine market and public health apparatus. He has introduced bills that would require Covid shots for all K-12 students to attend school, and annual flu shots for K-12 kids, and Covid shots for college students. Obviously, Dinowitz does not think that anyone should have any say about what goes into our own bodies or our children’s bodies.
There is still no identical bill in the State Senate, but Sen. James Skoufis introduced an identical bill in the last session, and he may do so again. Pfizer and other drug/vaccine companies may start squeezing them and turn on the money taps.
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