
Action Center

Join us for Indiana United Way's 2025 Statehouse Day!

Indiana United Ways will be holding our Statehouse Day on Jan. 30, 2025 beginning at 8:30 am EST. We will meet at the Corydon Group offices located across the street from the Statehouse at 125 W. Market St. There you will receive your Local United Way packet filled with useful information and tools for the day. We will also briefly refresh everyone on best practices and answer questions you may have. A light breakfast will be provided. We will then leave as a group to walk to the Statehouse at 9:30 am EST. 

For those of you arriving after 9:30 am EST, we will be set up in the Statehouse in our usual spot on the 3rd Floor South Bridge for the remainder of the morning. In addition to meeting with your state Representatives and Senators, you will have the opportunity to take tours of the Statehouse as well as sit in on committee hearings of interest. 

During your meetings with your state legislators, you will be able to inform them of the work we do as well as our policy priorities that we feel would have the best effect on the Indiana ALICE population. We ask that you set up your own meetings with your Representatives and Senators. This will allow you to begin making a connection with them and their staff that will hopefully be long-lasting. If you would like assistance in setting these meetings, please reach out to IUW's Public Policy & Impact Strategist Brian Lohsl at brian.lohsl@iuw.org or 765-242-3318.

We will conclude the day at 1 pm, but for those of you that have afternoon meetings with legislators or otherwise plan to stick around the Statehouse in the afternoon, we will have a list of committee meetings and bill topics available.

We will be providing training on how to best prepare ahead of time to maximize your time with the elected officials and talking points for the meetings themselves during our Advocacy 101 training. You can register for Advocacy 101 using this link. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuduCpqzwtH9LYPYvvAITtOvFRDaCTU9mZ We look forward to seeing you on 1/30 to demonstrate our collective support for the most vulnerable Hoosiers!

Please contact IUW's Public Policy & Impact Strategist with any questions at brian.lohsl@iuw.org or 765-242-3318 with any questions. 


A layout map of the Statehouse can be found here.

Street parking is available near the Statehouse. This parking is metered. If you pay with a card and put in your phone number for a receipt, you will receive a text when you're time is about to expire and given the option to extend your time via card.

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