
Action Center

Bring Awareness on this World Day Against Trafficking
Background Information:

July 30 is the World Day Against trafficking in Persons, established by the United Nations. 

We are bringing two important pieces of legislation to the attention of our Federal Senators regarding trafficking. These two bills have already passed in the House of Representatives and work to protect those at risk of trafficking as well as those employees who assist victims of trafficking. 

- Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2023 (H.R. 5856). 

This bill extends the current funding for anti-trafficking programs, strengthens survivor support and fortifies global partnerships against trafficking. 

This bill addresses the root causes of human trafficking, which is the vulnerability of those with limited support, predominantly immigrants. . 

We eliminate the traffickers’ supply line by working against the root causes of forced migration and helping people remain in their home countries. 

This bill offers systemic solutions and humanitarian assistance for food security, housing, employment, clean water, education and health care in local communities. 

-IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act S. 670

This bill establishes a program within U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to provide outreach and training to HSI employees who have been exposed to various forms of trauma in working with victims of human trafficking. The bill also provides statutory authority for the HSI Victim Assistance Program.


The Sisters of Notre Dame have a long history of accompanying migrants and those who have been victimized by human traffickers.  

The ministries of the sisters reflect this concern: Casa de Hospitalidad (Laredo, TX), Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST, Los Angeles), Collaborative to End Human Trafficking (North-East Ohio), and Rahab’s Heart (Toledo).  

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