Students do not have to be coming from a public school to receive these funds. This means that the state will be subsidizing the private school tuition for kids that are already enrolled in private school. In other states that have passed similar legislation, more than two-thirds of the students participating have never attended public school.
The South Carolina Education Lottery is a finite resource and already has dwindling resources. The estimated lottery revenue for 2024-2025 is only $538.2 million, which is $64.5 million less than last year. What happens to the college scholarship programs and other education assistance programs that are paid for out of lottery funds when there is not enough revenue to cover the cost?
Every child in South Carolina is entitled to a public education without regard to income, nationality, gender, citizenship, disability, race, or creed. Students with disabilities are entitled to additional protections under federal law that guarantees them a free and appropriate public education. Students with disabilities are entitled to specialized instruction, accommodations, and supports at school so that they can learn in classrooms with their non-disabled peers. Public schools cannot turn these students away or refuse to serve students with complicated needs.
Private schools are not required to accept every student who applies nor are they required to provide accommodations, supports, or specialized instruction to students with disabilities. Private schools can refuse to enroll students because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
In order to attend private schools, children have to give up a lot of benefits. Most private schools do not have free transportation or free school meals. Private schools do not have to serve students with disabilities, students with medical conditions, or who need additional services. Private schools can refuse to accept anyone for any reason. Private schools also do not have to give students due process rights should they be accused of misconduct at school.
S.62 will divert public money that should be funding our public schools to private schools. Once again, low-income students and students with disabilities will be left behind in underfunded, understaffed, and underperforming public schools. A quality public education that supports all students will help create more individuals who are competitive in the work force and make South Carolina’s economy stronger.
It is critical that your State Senator hears from you on this important issue. Please use the template message on the right to contact your legislator and tell them that you do not support public money funding private schools that will not serve all of South Carolina’s students.