Digital platforms’ consumer privacy violations have run rampant for too long without government intervention. Companies collect more data than they need by providing notice and gaining user consent, and often, use consumers’ personal information for purposes beyond the original use case. Despite their rampant data misuse, companies benefit from the loyalty of consumers who are reliant on existing technologies to operate in their daily lives.
It’s time for the public to take a stance against digital platforms that abuse consumer data and support comprehensive, bipartisan privacy legislation. The bipartisan American Data Privacy and Protection Act provides individuals with broad privacy protections and establishes a national standard for how businesses handle consumer data as technology continues to evolve.
Tell your members of Congress to support the American Data Privacy and Protection Act which requires companies to:
- Only collect, use, and share data that is reasonably necessary and proportionate to deliver the service or product that a consumer requests;
- Provide individuals with the right to access, correct, and delete the data companies collect about them; and
- Not use data to discriminate against users in areas like housing, credit, healthcare, education, and public accommodations.
It’s time for Congress to return control of personal data to the rightful owners – the people providing it – and pass the American Data Privacy and Protection Act now.