On July 10, the House Appropriations Committee advanced its version of the Fiscal Year 25 Labor-HHS funding bill. The bill passed out of committee 31-25 and does a disservice to the many people across the country struggling to access sexual and reproductive health care, if they can at all. Currently, the bill eliminates the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPP) and Title X Family Planning Program (Title X) and includes extreme policy riders restricting access to abortion and attempting to defund Planned Parenthood. Soon, this bill will head to the House floor, and we urge members to reject it.
Finally, on August 1st, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted 25-3 to approve its version of the Fiscal Year 25 Labor-HHS funding bill which includes level funding of $286.5 million for the Title X and $101 million for TPP. It also includes $35 million for the Sexual Risk Avoidance Program (SRA), or abstinence only by another name, as well as the harmful Hyde and Weldon Amendments. We thank our Congressional champions that fought to include funding for these important programs.
As people continue to struggle to access any type of reproductive health care, our policymakers should be increasing funding to programs that support our communities. Contact your Members of Congress and tell them to increase funding for critical programs like TPP and Title X, and reject efforts to undermine reproductive well-being.