
Action Center

Washington Update - November 2023
November 1, 2023 by Tyler Smith
  • Star Grassroots Advocates
    • During the 2023 PAEA Education Forum, several members of the Association’s Government Relations Steering Committee hosted advocacy-focused education sessions. Committee members Christy Eskes, DHSc, MPA, PA-C, Patricia Campbell, MPAS, MPH, PA-C, Jeremy Kersey, MPAS, PA-C, and Melissa Bowlby, MSBS, PA-C, hosted a session entitled, “Cultivating Future Leaders: How to Leverage PAEA’s Advocacy Curriculum.” Committee Chair Edward Williams, MPAS, M.Ed, PA-C, participated in a panel discussion entitled, “Taking the Classroom to the Capitol: Promoting Advocacy in Action.” Thank you to these faculty leaders for their efforts to build advocacy capacity in PA education!
  • Advancing PAEA’s Advocacy Agenda
    • On October 28, PAEA’s Government Relations staff published an update on the status of state tax incentives for clinical preceptors. As of the publication of the article, 17 states have either introduced or enacted preceptor tax incentive legislation, with 5 states having enacted legislation that is fully inclusive of PA preceptors and students. PAEA continues to support state-level efforts to enact and/or improve tax incentive legislation.
    • Throughout October, PAEA’s continued its efforts to meet with every freshman member of Congress to provide an introduction to the needs of PA programs, faculty, and students.
  • Health Care News in Washington
    • As a result of Congress failing to take action by the September 30 deadline, the authorization for key discretionary programs, such as loan repayment opportunities for clinicians providing care to patients with substance use disorders established by the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, expired on October 1. While these programs continue to be funded through appropriations, the likelihood for further funding increases is limited until Congress acts to extend their authorizations.
    • On October 25, following the October 3 ouster of Kevin McCarthy, House Republicans elected Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as Speaker of the House. While not serving on committees of relevant health care jurisdiction, Rep. Johnson has previously expressed support for expanded utilization of advanced practice providers as a means of combatting rural health disparities. 
  • Opportunities for Action
    • As Congress continues to work to complete the FY24 appropriations process, members must continue to hear constituents advocate for strengthened health workforce investments to address provider shortages and their impact on the quality of care delivered to all communities. Please urge Congress to support increased funding for all Title VII health workforce development programs for FY24 today.


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