
Action Center

Washington Update - May 2023
May 1, 2023 by Catherine Majewski
  • Star Grassroots Advocates
    • From April 24-25, members of PAEA’s Government Relations Steering Committee (GRSC) met in Washington, DC for the 2023 Leadership Summit. During the event, GRSC members had an opportunity to network over dinner and attend a DEI training to reinforce PAEA’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Thank you to all who attended to represent the Government Relations Steering Committee (GRSC) among all the Association’s other critical volunteer committees. 
  • Advancing PAEA’s Advocacy Agenda
    • On April 3, PAEA, along with other members of the Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition (HPNEC), sent a letter to House and Senate lead appropriators urging them to provide $1.51 billion for the Health Resources and Services- Administration (HRSA) Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing workforce development programs for FY 2024.
    • In late February, the Department of Education released a Dear Colleague Letter that would have expanded the definition of third-party servicers and imposed new audit restrictions on clinical sites, CASPA, and other educational vendors. In response to community opposition, the Department delayed the implementation of this guidance and clarified that clinical sites would not be considered third party servicers. Following this clarification, PAEA testified during the Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking public hearing on April 12 regarding additional ongoing concerns regarding the potential designation of PAEA/CASPA and some of the Association’s other services as third party servicers relationships. Additionally, PAEA submitted a comment letter on April 18 in response to the Department of Education (ED)’s intent to establish negotiated rulemaking committees to prepare proposed regulations related to programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act.
    • On April 14, PAEA and the Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP) issued a statement supporting the principles of academic freedom, open debate, and creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for health professions students and patients.
    • On April 19, the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee hosted a hearing entitled, “Examining Existing Federal Programs to Build a Stronger Health Workforce and Improve Primary Care.” In response, PAEA submitted a statement for the record regarding current health workforce investments and legislation under consideration to strengthen these efforts.
  • Health Care News in Washington
    • The Drug Enforcement Agency recently released guidance on new federal substance use disorder training requirements for clinicians registered with the DEA to prescribe controlled substances that will go into effect as of June 27, 2023. All clinicians, from new graduates to practicing clinicians, will be affected because they will all need to register with the DEA to attest they have completed the one-time training requirement either upon their initial registration or renewal of their registration. To learn more about the policy, check out this article published by PAEA or review the full guidance issued by the DEA on their website.
    • On April 26, the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on LHHS hosted a hearing titled, "Provider Relief Fund and Healthcare Workforce Shortages." During the hearing, Administrator Carole Johnson of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) discussed investments in training and retaining the health care workforce and efforts to sustain the nation’s critical health care infrastructure through pandemic relief aid.
  • Opportunities for Action
    • PAEA’s Government Relations Team has organized the Association’s first-ever Policy Summit which will take place this summer, July 10-12, in Washington, DC. The Summit will provide PA students and faculty with the opportunity to learn more about health and education policy, hear from leaders and government stakeholders, engage in advocacy at the federal level, and network with colleagues and peers who share a passion for making a difference on behalf of PA education, patients, and the profession. Find out how you can register for this free event by reading PAEA’s recent announcement and visit the PAEA Policy Summit event page, which provides answers to frequently asked questions as well as helpful information regarding event details, dress codes, locations, travel arrangements, and hotel accommodations.
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