
Action Center

Washington Update - January 2019
January 1, 2019 by Tyler Smith
  • Star Grassroots Advocates
    • Over the course of 2018, 728 unique PA education advocates have engaged with their representatives in response to PAEA action alerts. Thank you for your leadership on behalf of PA education!
  • Advancing PAEA’s Advocacy Agenda
    • PAEA’s Government Relations team met with staff from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) in December to discuss workforce development initiatives conducted by CMMI and the potential for the agency to act to alleviate the clinical site shortage for PA programs.
    • In December, PAEA’s Chief Policy and Research Officer Dave Keahey participated in his first meeting as a member of the VA National Academic Affiliations Council. In this role, Keahey will work to advance the interests of PA programs particularly with regards to clinical placements in VA facilities.
  • Health Care News in Washington
    • In December, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced committee assignments including the membership of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee. Of note, newly-elected Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) was added to the committee while Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) was removed.
    • U.S. District Court Judge Reed O’Connor ruled that the entirety of the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional due to the elimination of the tax penalty associated with being uninsured. During the appeal process to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Affordable Care Act will remain fully in effect.
  • Opportunities for Action
    • In the coming weeks, PAEA’s Government Relations team will be disseminating a request to PA education advocates to share their stories with the newly-elected members of Congress regarding issues in PA education. As always, engagement from faculty and students will be critical to achieving progress for PA education in the 116th Congress.
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