
Action Center

Washington Update - September 2020
September 1, 2020 by Tyler Smith
  • Star Grassroots Advocates
    • On August 24, PAEA’s Government Relations team conducted a policy and advocacy training session for over 75 students from the Drexel University PA program. PAEA would like to thank the faculty of the Drexel University program for their commitment to student leadership development.
  • Advancing PAEA’s Advocacy Agenda
    • In early August, PAEA President Howard Straker, EdD, MPH, PA-C, CEO Mary Jo Bondy, DHEd, MHS, PA-C, and the Government Relations team met with Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Elinore McCance-Katz, MD, PhD. During the meeting, PAEA provided an update on the Association’s response to the opioid use disorder epidemic and advocated for expanded access to clinical rotation opportunities at federally-funded certified community behavioral health clinics.
    • As negotiations over the next COVID-19 response package continue, PAEA joined a letter led by the American Council on Education on August 5 in support of extended federal student loan relief, aid administration flexibility for institutions of higher education, and funding increases for Minority-Serving Institutions in a final agreement.
  • Health Care News in Washington
    • On August 11, the bipartisan leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee sent a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar to request a briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on the pre-existing substance use disorder epidemic.
    • House Energy and Commerce Committee Democratic leaders announced an investigation in mid-August to examine the implications of recent changes in postal service operations on the delivery of prescription drugs.
  • Opportunities for Action
    • PAEA has partnered with the offices of Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to advocate for the inclusion of S. 4055 - the Strengthening America’s Health Care Readiness Act - in future COVID-19 response legislation. This bill would provide $5 billion in supplemental funding for the National Health Service Corps scholarships and loan repayment programs while requiring 40% of scholarship awards to support underrepresented minority students. If you have not already done so, please contact your representatives in support of this bill today.
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