WorkAdvance is an employer-driven workforce solution that connects underutilized talent with high-quality, industry-aligned training. The program equips participants with essential career readiness and technical skills, ensuring they earn industry-recognized credentials and receive coaching for up to 12 months post-placement. Since early 2023, WorkAdvance has placed over 1,400 workers in manufacturing careers, positioning Ohio with a strong pipeline of future technicians.
The Manufacturing Career Ambassador Program enhances connections between Ohio’s manufacturers, educators, and students by training industry professionals to engage in youth outreach and career education. Using the MakingOhio platform, the program provides career awareness tools, industry-aligned curricula, and interactive activities to highlight opportunities in advanced manufacturing. By expanding a statewide network of trained ambassadors, this initiative strengthens workforce strategies and ensures students gain valuable insights into rewarding careers in manufacturing.
On March 13th, OMA’s manufacturing leaders provided testimony for House Bill 96 to secure $12.4 million for WorkAdvance and $6.7 million for the Manufacturing Career Ambassador Program. This investment will:
Manufacturers are among the most important businesses to our state’s economy, and when engaged, we can help guide public policy in the right direction. The staff at the OMA are advocating on your behalf, but staff cannot convey your interests as well as you. You can shape the outcome of this amendment to House Bill 96 by adding your voice.
State lawmakers are quickly considering these amendments, and they need to hear from you to help this move forward to ensure Ohio has a unified strategy to maintain a strong manufacturing workforce.
Take action now by calling your state lawmakers to amplify the manufacturing industry's support of these workforce initiatives. Send a message or call your state lawmakers urging them to include these crucial workforce initiatives in House Bill 96.
Questions? Contact Jessica Borza with OMA's Workforce Services.