We’re bringing Catholics from across Ohio to the Statehouse to meet with our elected officials and advocate for policies that respect life, focus on the poor and vulnerable, and recognize families as the central social institution of society.
Event Details:
Tuesday, March 25, starting at 9:15am
Columbus, Ohio
Please register* by 4pm on Friday on March 21 and include your address in order to determine your local legislators.
* By registering, each person is asked to only discuss issues and policy positions provided by the CCO in legislative meetings.
Starting Location:
Catholic Conference of Ohio Office (Chase Building)
100 E Broad St., 6th Floor
Columbus OH 43215
Event begins 9:15am.
It is free to attend and lunch will be provided.
Below is a list of leaders coordinating efforts for each diocese. They are your primary contact and can answer any questions you have.
Your diocesan coordinator will contact you via email to help organize legislator meetings and share event details.
Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Andrew Musgrave, Catholic Social Action Director amusgrave@catholicaoc.org | Diocese of Toledo: Kevin Jorrey, Office for Life & Justice Director kjorrey@toledodiocese.org |
Diocese of Cleveland: Kelly Bon, Director of Diocesan Social Action Office kabon@ccdocle.org | Diocese of Steubenville: Joseph Schmidt, Director of Marriage, Family and Respect Life jschmidt@diosteub.org |
Diocese of Columbus: David Lyons, Director of Office for Social Concerns dlyons@columbuscatholic.org | Diocese of Youngstown: R.J. Mangan, Director of Peace and Justice rmangan@youngstowndiocese.org |
Parking Options:
- Uptown Parking Lot - 62 E Gay St, Columbus, OH 43215
- SP+ Parking Lot - 72 E Gay St, Columbus, OH 43215
- Ohio Statehouse Underground Parking Garage - 1 Capitol Sq, Columbus, OH 43215
- 4th & Elm Garage - 78 N 4th St, Columbus, OH 43215
Catholics at the Capitol Agenda
March 25, 2025
9:15 – 10:15am: Welcome, Prayer, Logistics & Issues Overview
Location: CCO office – 100 E. Broad St, 6th floor
10:30am – 12pm: Meetings with Legislators (Meeting times vary)
Possible Locations:
Ohio Statehouse (Senators) – 1 Capitol Sq.
Verne Riffe Tower (Representatives) – 77 South High St.
12:05 – 12:35pm: Mass (Optional)
Location: St. Joseph Cathedral – 212 E. Broad St.
12:30 – 2pm: Lunch Provided
Location: CCO office – 100 E. Broad St, 6th floor
1 – 4pm: Meetings with Legislators (Meeting times vary)
2:45 – 3:15pm: Insight Sharing and Q&A (Optional)
Location: CCO office – 100 E. Broad St, 6th floor