Join Nevada REALTORS® October 27-29 for the 3rd Annual Nevada REALTORS State Conference and our first virtual conference. We are absolutely THRILLED to bring you a top notch field of experts on sales, politics and association! Registration is now open!
We are bringing- DAY ONE- BOTH FERRYs! TOM FERRY and MIKE FERRY, two of the industry's top sales coaches, together, on the virtual stage. You don't want to miss this! Also a Top Broker's Panel with Conference M.C., Bob "M.C. Hamrick" Hamrick, Mark Stark, Craig Tan and Nancy Fennel as well as a special interview by Brandon Roberts with mind-set guru Setema Gali. And that's JUST the first three-hour virtual day.
Day Two will bring discussions from political commentators JOHN RALSTON and ELIZABETH THOMPSON and a surprise special guest. Hear from your state and local Government Affairs Directors, the people that keep you plugged in to Nevada politics.
Round out DAY 3 with a special interview by NVR President Chris Bishop of NAR President VINCE MALTA and NAR CEO BOB GOLDBERG. Hear from your local association presidents, state and regional leadership and association executives. Finally close out the three-day event with the hilarious musings of Comedian SAM ADAMS, and a post-act Interview on the challenges and opportunities of delivering virtual presentations.
REGISTRATION IS FREE! Three hours a day for three days.