Dear Nevada REALTORSĀ®:
This evening, Governor Sisolak unveiled his Nevada United: Roadmap To Recovery Plan, which outlines his vision for Nevada's reopening of our economy. A copy of the plan is attached here. I encourage you to read the plan. At this point there are no changes to real estate from the Governor's previous directive that he issued on April 8 (https://nvhealthresponse.nv.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/04.08-emergency-directive-013.pdf, see section 6).
Section 6 of the Directive allows individual showings of vacant and seller occupied homes following Covid precautions, and allows virtual showings of tenant occupied properties. See this Nevada REALTORS Legal Article for more detail.
In addition, the Governor extended his stay at home order to May 15. That directive came last night (https://nvhealthresponse.nv.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Declaration-of-Emergency-Directive-016.4-29-20-1.pdf).
Please stay safe and stay home for Nevada.
-Chris Bishop
2020 NVR President |