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Urge Lawmakers to Oppose 12-week Parental, Medical Leave
The House Ways and Means Committee began a multiday markup of key elements of Democrats' $3.5 trillion spending package. The Ways and Means Committee is one of several House panels that will be considering portions of the reconciliation spending package. House Leadership is aiming for all committees to finish their markups by Sept. 15.


The first portion of the bill that the Ways and Means Committee considered and advanced—by a vote of 24-19—focused on universal paid family and medical leave. Under the legislation, workers with recent wages would be eligible for up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. Benefits would be administered through a new public program, through previously enacted state programs and through private employers that meet certain criteria. The section now heads to the House Budget Committee, which will combine the various portions of the bill approved by other committees.


Please take a few minutes today to urge your representative to oppose this provision in the budget reconciliation bill. 

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