Why Reform Prior Authorization?
We've All Felt It. Every one of us, or someone we love, has had a hard time because of something called "prior authorization" in healthcare.
It's NOT Fair: Most of the time, prior authorization is just a hassle - it's costly, complicated, and often unnecessary.
A Deliberate Delay: Health insurance companies use prior authorization to slow down or even stop you from getting the medical care you need.
Profit Over People: Insurance companies use this process to save money for themselves, not to help you, even if it means you might not get the treatment you need.
This isn't a Game: Your health isn't something to play with. When insurance companies delay or deny treatment, they're messing with people's lives.
Who's Really Paying?: Insurance companies aren't really paying for your healthcare; they're just in the middle, processing payments. You, the patient, are the one truly paying for your health care.