
North Carolina Chapter

2024 NASW-NC Legislative Session Update: Record turnout on 1st day of early voting
October 21, 2024 by Lauren Zingraff, Director of Advocacy and Policy
NASW-NC Advocacy Update


In this week's update:

  • Record turnout on 1st day of early voting
  • You can Vote Today in NC
  • NASW-NC Pace Endorsements
  • Non-Citizen Voting Amendment on the Ballot -VOTE AGAINST
  • Western NC Resources for Hurricane Recovery
  • THIS WEEK: Attend NASW-NC Webinar "How the Election will Impact Social Work in NC"
  • Register for NASW-NC's 2024 Fall Conference -Nov. 18-19, 2024


First Day of Early Voting in NC

The NC State Board of Elections has reported, “North Carolina voters turned out in droves on the weather-friendly first day of the in-person early voting period on Thursday (10/17), setting a first-day record of 353,166 ballots accepted at sites statewide, according to preliminary State Board of Elections data.

The early voting numbers topped the previous record for the first day of early voting — 348,559, set in 2020 — by 1.3 percent.”

As of Friday morning (10/18), 428,299 voters had cast ballots in North Carolina. This includes 75,133 absentee ballots cast. You can keep up with polling numbers at the NC State Board of Elections website.

You can find early voting sites here. Don’t forget to take an acceptable form of photo ID with you to vote!


You can Vote Today in NC

The early voting period has begun. YOU CAN VOTE TODAY!

Click here to find an early voting location in your county. You can find a copy of your sample ballot here

If you missed the deadline to register to vote on October 11, you can still register to vote in person during the early voting period.

A photo ID will be required to vote in the 2024 election! You can read more about the voter ID requirements here.

For voters impacted by Hurricane Helene

The NC State Board of Elections unanimously approved measures to help Western NC voters. In response to Hurricane Helene, the NC State Board of Elections has made a website dedicated to election changes in Western North Carolina.  NASW-NC encourages you to save this website and share it widely!

If you have any issues while voting or have any questions regarding voting, you can call the nonpartisan NC Election Protection Hotline at 888-OUR-VOTE (888-687-8683).


PACE Endorsements

The NASW-NC Political Action for Candidate Election (NASW-NC PACE) Committee is the political action committee of NASW-NC. The goal of endorsing candidates is to elect candidates that uphold the values of NASW-NC, our social work members, and protect the populations our profession serves. NASW-NC PACE is a nonpartisan committee and party affiliations do not play a factor into endorsements. You can view NASW-NC's PACE Committee endorsements for the 2024 election here.




Non-Citizen Voting Amendment on the Ballot -VOTE AGAINST 

              In North Carolina, it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in elections. Despite this fact, the state legislature is proposing an amendment to the existing law. The law currently states “Every person born in the United States and every person who has been naturalized, 18 years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vote at any election…” The amendment will remove “Every person born in the United States and every person who has been naturalized” and replace it with “Only a citizen of the United States…” This amendment will not change the law, only the phrasing.

The presence of this amendment on the ballot furthers the false narrative that a large number of non-citizens are voting in United States elections. This narrative is having real-world consequences for thousands of eligible voters.


Western NC Resources for Hurricane Recovery

The Western NC Resource Guide is a living document that is updated regularly to assist those in western NC with getting up-to-date information as well as accessing supplies and resources.

People in western NC who need reproductive healthcare can request assistance by filling out this form.

NASW-NC’s “Hurricane Helene: How to Help” webpage is regularly updated with additional information and resources.


This Week-Attend NASW-NC Webinar "How the Election will Impact Social Work in NC"

As the 2024 Election approaches, NASW-NC staff and volunteers will be hosting the webinar "How the Election Will Impact Social Work in North Carolina" on several dates. This webinar will give an overview of how the election will impact social work and social workers in North Carolina (including in the 2025 North Carolina Legislative Session), and explain the importance of upholding the Social Work Code of Ethics, section 6.04 (Social and Political Action) by getting out the vote!

 1 hour of CE is offered for this event. NASW-NC members and all social work students can attend for free. The cost for folks who are not yet members of NASW-NC is $15. Please note that the content of this presentation will be the same each time it is given.

Register for the webinar that best fits into your schedule today!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 webinar-hoted by NASW-NC -12pm-1pm 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 webinar-hosted by the Orange County LPU -6pm-7pm


Register for NASW-NC's Fall Conference -November 18 & 19, 2024 

Registration is OPEN for the 2024 NASW-NC Virtual Fall Conference!

View Brochure & Register Here Today! 

The Fall Conference is a meeting for the entire profession. Everyone from the social work student to the LCSW in private practice can benefit from the presentation offerings.

Some of this year’s topics include:

  • Ethical Responsibilities in Assessment and Referral in Care for Teens
  • Treating Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders
  • Fired Up! The Role of Anger in Trauma Recovery
  • Cultural implications in working with Immigrants and First-Generation Americans
  • Increasing Cognitive Flexibility and Moving Towards Values with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • And Much More!


You Get ALL the CE!

Because we are in a virtual setting, you benefit by getting MORE CE! 13 hours of CE will be LIVE! All sessions will be recorded and available to view for 3 weeks after the conference for you to receive an additional 18 hours of Recorded CE - a total of 31 hours of CE!



Thank you to the members of NASW-NC for supporting the advocacy work we do. We would not be able to advocate for the social work profession or social justice issues in North Carolina without a robust and engaged NASW membership. If you are a social worker and not a member, we ask that you join NASW today. Our voice is louder with your membership.

Learn more about NASW-NC membership here.

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