
North Carolina Chapter

2024 NASW-NC Legislative Session Update: Hurricane Helene & 2024 Election Information
October 7, 2024 by Lauren Zingraff, Director of Advocacy and Policy
NASW-NC Advocacy Update



In this week's update:

  • NASW-NC Responds to Hurricane Helene Disaster
  • NC State Board of Elections Helene website
  • Non-Citizen Voting Amendment on the Ballot -VOTE AGAINST
  • Voter Registration Deadline -This Friday, October 11th
  • Check out NASW-NC's updated Social Work VOTING Information webpage
  • UNC Students Can't Use Digital ID's
  • Attend NASW-NC Webinar "How the Election will Impact Social Work in NC"



NASW-NC Responds to Hurricane Helene Disaster

NASW-NC issued a statement on Disaster Response Resources for Western North Carolina. 

NASW-NC has created a website with continuously updated information about how to donate, volunteer and contribute to the rescue and recovery efforts specifically for Hurricane Helene victims here: https://www.naswnc.org/helenerelief

NASW-NC also has North Carolina Disaster Resources for Social Workers including mental health resources related to disasters here: https://www.naswnc.org/DisasterResources

For the latest updates and information from the State of North Carolina, check these resources: 

Please contact NASW-NC with additional information to share with social workers here about recovery efforts for Hurricane Helene: director.naswnc@socialworkers.org

NC State Board of Elections Helene website

In response to Hurricane Helene destroying multiple county polling locations, US Postal Offices & mailboxes, as well as  individual voter IDs, the NC State Board of Elections has made a website dedicated to Election Changes in Western North Carolina.  NASW-NC encourages you to save this website and share it widely!  

NCSBOE has launched http://NCSBE.gov/Helene for voters affected by the storm. #YourVoteCountsNC 

There are growing concerns regarding voting accessibility for North Carolina voters impacted by Hurricane Helene. With less than a month until the election, western North Carolina is facing USPS interruptions, destruction of polling places, missing or damaged IDs, and drastically decreased ability to travel. In addition, remaining polling places may not be adequately staffed due to the individual impacts on staff members in the wake of Hurricane Helene. As the affected communities continue to be assessed by state officials, NASW-NC will routinely update the "Hurricane Helene: How to Help" webpage. As announcements and decisions are made regarding the election and voting accessibility specific to western NC, updates will be posted to our "Voting Information" webpage.

For more information, visit: Helene may disrupt NC election voting by mail, poll sites | Raleigh News & Observer (newsobserver.com)




Non-Citizen Voting Amendment on the Ballot -VOTE AGAINST 

              In North Carolina, it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in elections. Despite this fact, the state legislature is proposing an amendment to the existing law. The law currently states “Every person born in the United States and every person who has been naturalized, 18 years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vote at any election…” The amendment will remove “Every person born in the United States and every person who has been naturalized” and replace it with “Only a citizen of the United States…” This amendment will not change the law, only the phrasing.

The presence of this amendment on the ballot furthers the false narrative that a large number of non-citizens are voting in United States elections. This narrative is having real-world consequences for thousands of eligible voters.


Voter Registration Deadline - This Friday, October 11th 

Register to vote at the following link: Official NCDMV: Voter Registration Application (ncdot.gov)

Check out NASW-NC's updated Social Work Voting Information webpage

NASW-NC has updated its Social Work VOTING Information webpage as a resource for all of your election needs! Be sure to visit and bookmark this page as we will be add any breaking news from the NC State Board of Elections or the NC General Assembly around the 2024 General Election!


UNC Students Can’t Use Digital IDs in 2024 Election

University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapel Hill students and employees will not be able to use their digital IDs to vote this November following a decision Friday from the North Carolina Court of Appeals.

This evening, a state appeals court paused a decision from a Wake County judge greenlighting the use of these mobile IDs for voting while the appeals process is ongoing in this case.

On Aug. 20, the North Carolina State Board of Election voted to reverse previous guidance that only allowed physical, plastic photo ID cards to be used for voting.

Then, the Republican National Committee and the North Carolina Republican Party filed a lawsuit against the State Election Board for that decision. This latest action by the state Court of Appeals is a victory for the Republican plaintiffs.

While the standard ID card that the university gives to students is digital, the school announced last week that it would provide physical, plastic ID cards for free in the midst of the lawsuit.

Despite that, this still would force UNC students who were planning on using their digital ID to vote to jump through additional hoops in order to cast their ballots.

Read the court order here.

(source: DemocracyDocket)

Attend NASW-NC Webinar "How the Election will Impact Social Work in NC"

As the 2024 Election approaches, NASW-NC staff and volunteers will be hosting the webinar "How the Election Will Impact Social Work in North Carolina" on several dates. This webinar will give an overview of how the election will impact social work and social workers in North Carolina (including in the 2025 North Carolina Legislative Session), and explain the importance of upholding the Social Work Code of Ethics, section 6.04 (Social and Political Action) by getting out the vote!

 1 hour of CE is offered for this event. NASW-NC members and all social work students can attend for free. The cost for folks who are not yet members of NASW-NC is $15. Please note that the content of this presentation will be the same each time it is given.

Register for the webinar that best fits into your schedule today!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 webinar-hoted by NASW-NC -12pm-1pm 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 webinar-hosted by the Orange County LPU -6pm-7pm



Thank you to the members of NASW-NC for supporting the advocacy work we do. We would not be able to advocate for the social work profession or social justice issues in North Carolina without a robust and engaged NASW membership. If you are a social worker and not a member, we ask that you join NASW today. Our voice is louder with your membership.

Learn more about NASW-NC membership here.

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