North Carolina legislators are hoping to adjourn the current legislative session by July 1, 2022. Because of this, legislators are working quickly to pass bills and are also working on the state budget behind the scenes. NASW-NC anticipates the budget to come out in a few weeks (if not sooner!).
Now is a great time to reach out to legislators about the following action alerts:
1) Oppose HB 755 Parent's Bill of Rights: The North Carolina Senate has already passed this legislation, but the House has not acted yet. Contact your North Carolina House member and ask them to oppose House Bill 755! NASW-NC anticipates this legislation to be taken up by the House soon.
2) Expand Medicaid: Like HB 755, the Senate has already passed Medicaid Expansion. Now, we need your voice to help advocate with House members and tell them how important Medicaid Expansion is in North Carolina.
3) Keep telehealth flexibilities: Originally, NASW-NC was supporting legislation that would have required telehealth flexibilities by insurance companies. However, that language was removed from the bill. We are continuing to work with legislators to bring back the original language. Through this action alert, NASW-NC is asking providers to email their legislators and communicate their success stories from serving clients via telehealth flexibilities during the current pandemic.
4) Advocate for funding for more School Social Workers : As legislators work on the budget, we are advocating for funding for school social workers to be in the budget. Ask your House and Senate members to prioritize funding for school social workers as they work on budget priorities.
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NASW-NC works on behalf of the social work profession on a variety of issues. It is a member benefit provided by NASW-NC to have a registered lobbyist advancing and supporting the profession of social work in North Carolina. The North Carolina Chapter works with National NASW on Federal issues such as reimbursement rates, immigration, student loans, and more. Your membership dues help support our advocacy efforts every day on the state and federal levels. Thank YOU for being a member and being engaged in supporting the social work profession.
We need you. If you are a social worker and not a member of your professional association, we ask you to join to support the advocacy efforts on behalf of your profession. Click here to join today!