
Action Center

Tired of Payer Interference in Medical Decision Making? Ask Lawmakers to Support the Safe Step Act

The North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) has endorsed bipartisan legislation pending in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives that has the potential to improve patient access to care and reduce payor interference in physician-patient medical decision making. 

The Safe Step Act (S. 652 / H.R. 2630) creates a clear, timely and transparent process for a patient or physician to request an exception to step therapy protocols in certain situations. Step therapy is a tactic used by insurance companies that requires a patient to try and fail on their preferred medications before covering the therapy prescribed by their health care provider. 

The legislation outlines situations in which a group health plan must grant an exception to “fail first” protocols, including if an application clearly demonstrates:

  • Patient already tried and failed on the required drug
  • Required drug is reasonably expected to be ineffective
  • Required drug will cause harm to the patient
  • Required drug will prevent a patient from working or fulfilling daily activities
  • Patient is stable on his/her current medication


The bill also requires that a request for an exception to step therapy be answered by the insurance company within three days, and in less than 24 hours if the patient’s life is at risk.

The Safe Step Act attracted significant bipartisan congressional support in the past. Congress must be compelled to pass the bill this year, and that requires a strong show of support by lawmakers through their cosponsorship of the legislation. The more cosponsors a bill has, the more likely it is to receive a vote and is why NASPGHAN is asking for your help.

Lawmakers need to hear from you, their constituents, about why the Safe Step Act is important to you and your patients.

Take a moment today to send an email to your members of Congress asking for their cosponsorship of this legislation. Taking action only takes a couple minutes though the NASPGHAN Advocacy Center.


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