Library of NACDS RxIMPACT Short Videos of Best Advocacy Tactics
Action AlertVideo: Pre Fly-In Checklist
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 4-minute presentation showcases how to research a legislator before a visit, demonstrate their community’s impact, and tie personal stories to public policy.
Video: What to Expect on Capitol Hill
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 8-minute video provides an overview of congressional offices, varying congressional office roles, and tips for successfully meeting with members of Congress and their staffs.
Video: Following Up After the Hill Day
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 2-minute video makes the case that follow-up after your congressional meeting not only builds advocate-legislator trust but proves you are a reliable resource.
Video: How Legislators and Staff Prioritize Their Work
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 6-minute video breaks down activities of members of Congress (legislative, constituent services, and campaign), legislators' attitudes about the work activities they believe are most important, and an organizational chart and description of congressional offices and staff positions.
Video: How Advocate Dialogue Impacts the Legislative Process
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 6-minute video overviews the legislative process, from where legislative ideas originate to floor votes. At each step, participants learn the importance and role of citizen advocates in America's democratic dialog, and how they can influence legislative outcomes.
Video: Strategies to Influence Undecided Lawmakers
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 5-minute video dispels common myths that “lawmakers are unreachable” and “don’t care about constituent concerns” while offering practical tactics for interacting with undecided lawmakers.
Video: Telling Your Story to Congress
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 7-minute video showcases the seven key elements of public policy advocacy storytelling and to help advocates move the hearts, minds, and VOTES of lawmakers.
Video: Personalized Communications Can Be Influential
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 2-minute video explains why it is important for constituents to personalize their communications with their Members of Congress and what Congress looks for in constituent communications.
Video: Social Media and the US Congress
Case Sensitive Password: RXImpact
Description: This 5-minute video reviews how Congress uses social media and reviews strategies for quickly getting the attention of members' offices.
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