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12/18/2024 ACTION ALERT (US): As Congress Changes Course – Keep PBM Reform Top-of-Mind
NACDS RxIMPACT is calling on YOU to help us flood Capitol Hill at what remains a critical time. This situation is changing by the moment, certainly since the first Action Alert was issued just days ago on this topic.

The original legislation that Congress unveiled to prevent a December 20 government shutdown included PBM reforms strongly supported by NACDS and by coalition partners representing pharmacists and pharmacies in all practice settings. You helped get those reforms to this critical point.

However, an array of factors unrelated to PBM reform brought that particular piece of legislation to an end.

Nonetheless, it is critical that we convey to Congress that the PBM reform provisions that were included in the continuing resolution were right-on when it comes to confronting PBM tactics that are inflating prescription drug prices, slashing pharmacy access, and forcing pharmacies to close!

Simply enter your contact information and click "send message" to generate letters to your two Senators and Representative. Your engagement is CRITICALLY NEEDED. Our profession, our industry, and our patients are depending on you to act IMMEDIATELY. If you have any questions about this communication, please contact Heidi Ecker, Vice President of Government, Political, and Digital Communications via email at Hecker@nacds.org or phone at 703-837-4121.
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