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03/04/24 ACTION ALERT (VA): Tell Senators to Advance PBM Reform & Patient Access – Write TODAY!
As we continue to hear reports that the predatory tactics of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) have become even worse in 2024, members of the Kentucky Senate have a key opportunity to enact reform at the state level that protects Kentuckians and their pharmacies! NACDS RxIMPACT is calling on YOU to participate in this letter-writing campaign NOW!

TOMORROW the Kentucky Senate Banking and Insurance Committee will review PBM reform bill, Senate Bill 188. This important legislation would protect access to their neighborhood pharmacies by regulating PBMs manipulation of drug pricing and pharmacy reimbursement. Reforms would prevent PBM tactics that hinder Medicaid patient access to needed medications, contribute to pharmacy staffing shortages, and cause pharmacies to close. NACDS RxIMPACT needs your help calling on all Senators to help advance SB 188!

PBMs are driving up drug prices and forcing patients to use PBM-affiliated pharmacies while reimbursing pharmacies below their cost to buy and dispense drugs patients need. There is zero evidence backing PBMs claims that regulating PBMs manipulations in the commercial market will increase costs. Conveniently, in a recent memo to the Legislature, they failed to factor in the enormous savings that health plans and employers would incur on establishing NADAC as a benchmark, which an Oregon study shows would average around $8 per prescription. 

Additionally, PBMs cite an antiquated Federal Trade Commission (FTC) opinion that the FTC has since not only reversed, but actually voted in July of 2023 to request that PBMs “no longer rely on outdated information to attempt to evade drug-pricing reforms pushed by state and federal lawmakers” as “it no longer reflects market realities.”

Similar laws that were passed in West Virginia, Arkansas and Oregon have not had any negative impact on premiums. Kentucky has been a leader among the states in PBM reform and has seen through their attempts to hide the funds they are secretly siphoning from Kentucky’s patients, health plans and employers.

Act today! Simply click on the take action button below, type in your contact information, and the system will generate personalized communications to your state Senator. If you have any questions or would like any assistance, please contact Jill McCormack via email or at 717-592-8977 or Heidi Ecker via email or telephone at 703-837-4121.

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