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3/20/23 NACDS RxIMPACT Alert (MD): Act by 5pm to Give Immunizations Bill a Chance!

This is an URGENT call to action with only hours left to have impact. Without your help BEFORE 5:00pm TODAY, a greatly needed immunizations bill may not see the light of day!  
The pharmacy community heralds Maryland immunization legislation (SB372/HB1232) that would codify the Federal authorization for pharmacists to administer routine, approved vaccinations to children aged 3+ without a physician’s prescription. Unfortunately, the legislation has not yet been approved by either the Maryland Senate or General Assembly. Today, marks the “crossover” date where bills that aren’t passed out of one chamber by the end of the day face higher hurdles for passage.  
NACDS RxIMPACT needs your URGENT help to ask Maryland legislators to do everything in their power to move SB372/HB1232 today for vaccine access in Maryland! Forty-six percent of children in Maryland do not have a medical home or relationship with a pediatrician to receive their necessary vaccinations and booster shots, and families in Maryland have been able to take their children to their local pharmacy to receive these shots since August 2020.  
A Morning Consult poll commissioned by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores found that 87% of Marylanders say it is "very easy" or "somewhat easy" to access pharmacies - ranking them as the most accessible healthcare destination. Also, 85% of Marylanders support pharmacists administering routine vaccinations. 
If the State fails to pass these bills, this critical access to community-based healthcare will vanish for vulnerable and rural populations in Maryland and could result in decreased vaccination rates in the state. Help us move SB372/HB1232 today before the crossover deadline! Simply type in your contact information, click the "Send Message" button and the system will generate personalized communications to your state legislators.

If you have any questions or would like any assistance, please contact Jill McCormack via telephone at 717-525-8962 or email or Heidi Ecker via telephone at 703-837-4121 or email.

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