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RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill Pioneers
October 30, 2019 by NACDS
Sixty-eight leaders representing 25 states secured their place in history. They stepped forward, before all others, to indicate the importance of being involved in the policymaking process. They participated in the First Annual RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill on June 16-17, 2009. The leadership of these RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill Pioneers trailblazes the way for others to become involved as Founders of this exciting annual event that brings advocates from across the nation to Washington, D.C. The mission is to educate Members of Congress about the importance of pro-pharmacy policy and the need for healthcare reform. These Pioneers await the help of pharmacists, student pharmacists, patients, CEOs, CFOs, pharmacy operators, and executives representing pharmacy and front-end and interests.

Stanton Ades, PD, NeighborCare
Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, National Association of Chain Drug Stores
John Beckner, RPh, Ukrop’s Super Markets, Inc.
Bill Boden, H.D. Smith
Butch Bowlby, RPh, Pamida Stores Operating Co., LLC
Ernest Boyd, RPh, MBA, CAE, Ohio Pharmacists Association
Phillip Burgess, RPh, MBA, Community Pharmacy Foundation
David Cippel, RPh, Klingensmith’s Drug Stores Inc.
Kermit Crawford, RPh, Walgreen Co.
Gerry Crocker, CARE Pharmacies, Inc.
Stephen Culver, Hannaford Bros., Co.
David Darby, RPh, Alabama Pharmacy Association
Chris Dimos, RPh, SUPERVALU INC.
William Earnest, RPh, Kopp Drug
Michelle Easton, PharmD, University of Charleston School of Pharmacy
Fred Eckel, RPh, North Carolina Association of Pharmacists
Patricia Epple, CAE, Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
Mike Erlandson, SUPERVALU INC.
Ron Fitzwater, CAE, Missouri Pharmacy Association
Tim Gallagher, RPh, Astrup Drug, Inc.
Debbie Garza, RPh, Walgreen Co.
John Gates, RPh, Aurora Pharmacy Inc.
Andy Giancamilli, B. Sc. Pharm, Snyder’s Drug Stores
Eric Graf, MS, RPh, Ritzman Pharmacies, Inc.
Mark Gregory, RPh, Kerr Drug, Inc.
L. Preston Hale, RPh, QS/1 Company
Bridget-ann Hart, RPh, Kinney Drugs, Inc.
Randy Heiser, RPh, Giant Eagle, Inc.
Leslie Higgins, RPh, Walgreen Co.
Peter Hilsenrath, PhD, University of the Pacific in California
Harold Hodnett, Kerr Drug, Inc.
Cheryl Hoffer, Medicine Shoppe International, Inc.
Jack Holt, RPh, Hi-School Pharmacy Services
Gary E. Jacobi, RPh, Rite Aid Corporation
Julie K. Johnson, PharmD, Minnesota Pharmacists Association
Karen Jonas, RPh, Michigan Pharmacists Association
Louise F. Jones, Alabama Pharmacy Association
Ronald P. Jordan, RPh, FAPhA, University of Rhode Island, College of Pharmacy
Richard Kaplan, RPh, Zallie’s ShopRite
Herbert Kwash, Washington, DC Pharmacy Association
Bill Ladwig, RPh, Lewis Drugs, Inc.
Ron Lanton, H.D. Smith
Rebecca Lichucki, CPhT, MBA, Topco Associates LLC
Daniel Miller, RPh, Rite Aid Corporation
Lynn Morris, RPh, Family Pharmacy Inc.
Tom Murry, PharmD, JD, North Carolina Association of Pharmacists
Millard Nance, RPh, Hannaford Bros., Co.
Steven Oliva, B. Sc. Pharm, Hi-School Pharmacy Inc.
Phillip R. Oppenheimer, PharmD, University of the Pacific in California
Craig Painter, Kinney Drugs, Inc.
Ralph Petri, Kerr Drug, Inc.
Melenie Petropoulous, RPh, Marc Glassman Inc.
Mark Polli, RPh, Hannaford Bros., Co.
Mindy Rasmussen, RPh, Arizona Pharmacy Alliance
George Riedl, RPh, Walgreen Co
Lynn Rolston, CEO, California Pharmacists Association
Cynthia Roseman, RPh, Zallie’s Supermarkets, Inc.
Mary Sammons, Rite Aid Corporation
Howard Schiff, PD, Maryland Pharmacists Association
James Schmid, RPh, Topco Associates LLC
Anthony Schmid, PharmD, Pamida Stores Operating Co., LLC
Jonathan Thacker, RPh, Hannaford Bros., Co.
Victor Vercammen, PharmD, RPh, SUPERVALU INC.
David Vucurevich, RPh, Rite Aid Corporation
Kelly Vyzral, Ohio Pharmacists Association
Joe Weaver, RPh, Sav-More Drug / Medicine Chest Pharmacies
Dennis Wiesner, RPh, CIPP, H-E-B
Bill Wolfe, JD, Rite Aid Corporation
Michael Wunder, Quick Chek Corporation
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