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RxIMPACT Kit for Action!
October 30, 2019 by NACDS
This step-by-step fact sheet kit of one-pagers shares the secrets of how bills become law and how you can influence policymaking through effective constituent communication. If you are looking to take action, you won’t want to miss this to-the-point guide that reviews:

(1) the big picture of policymaking and grassroots involvement;
(2) “how to advocate” fact sheet series that showcases sample materials ready for your use.

You might even want to feature a fact sheet on your company intranet one time a month! Just contact RxIMPACT for permission to use the material and we’ll even give you a factsheet ready for you to place your company or organization logo!

The Big-Picture Series
  1. The Introduction: Why Grassroots Involvement Matters
  2. The Players: Policymakers and Congress
  3. The Process: How a Bill Becomes Law
  4. The Lingo: Legislative Terms Guide
  5. The Priority: Working for Quality Healthcare Reform
  6. The Advocate: Making the RxIMPACT
  7. The Resource: What RxIMPACT Can Do for You
  8. The Tools: Pros and Cons of Grassroots Tools
  9. The Recon: Effective Reporting Helps RxIMPACT Efforts

The How-To Series
  1. How to Get Started and Involved
  2. How to Effectively Communicate with Policymakers
  3. How to Schedule and Conduct a Policymaker Meeting
  4. How to Handle Policymaker Meeting Scenarios
  5. How to Conduct a Pharmacy Tour
  6. How to Continue the Relationship After a Meeting
“As student pharmacists and soon-to-be practicing pharmacists, it is our responsibility to contribute to the future of our profession.  We need to keep up-to-date on issues and speak up because our leadership will help determine the future of pharmacy and health care.  Through grassroots advocacy, we can effectively inform legislators when certain issues affect our profession, as well as our patients and their constituents.”

Rita Kasliwal, Student Pharmacist, Class of 2010 at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, who regularly participates in pro-pharmacy grassroots activities.
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