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October 30, 2019 by NACDS
This two-part student program pairs a half-day advocate training with the NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill event that schedules advocate meetings with Members of Congress. After being trained on the policymaking process, effective communication and pharmacy issues students put their education into action during their Capitol Hill meetings.

In this exciting annual program, selected applicants can train to become part of the next generation of pharmacy leaders and advocates. The NACDS RxIMPACT “U” Academy provides student pharmacists a half-day of training with experienced advocates one day prior to going “up to the Hill.” This interactive education reviews the policymaking process, the role of congressional committees in policymaking, how to use strategic communications to influence policy outcomes, the power of networking and relationship building, key pharmacy issues and incorporation of advocacy into pharmacy practice. The NACDS RxIMPACT "U" Academy will help you get ready to drive home the pro-patient, pro-pharmacy message during the NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill event.

If you would like more information about the NACDS RxIMPACT Academy, please contact Vanessa Stevens via email at Vstevens@nacds.org or phone at 703-837-4130.

NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill
When you participate in this annual event, you’ll be aligned with fellow students, community pharmacy executives, state pharmacy association leaders, and others as part of a joint effort to promote pro-pharmacy legislation on Capitol Hill. The more you participate in this annual event, the more Capitol Hill will understand pharmacy and welcome our positions on important health policy issues. After participation in the morning legislative briefing attended by lawmakers supportive of our industry, advocates are paired with others from their state to attend NACDS RxIMPACT-scheduled meetings with Members of Congress and their staff. These small groups meet face-to-face, and your voice will be heard by those writing our nation’s laws. Just weeks before passage of the new healthcare reform law, the 2010 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill focused attention on key pharmacy provisions through over 220 in-person meetings.

If you would like more information about NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, please contact Heidi Ecker via email at Hecker@nacds.org or phone at 703-837-4121.
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