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Overview of Our Programs
October 30, 2019 by NACDS
RxIMPACT programs are designed to give you the tools that you need to ensure policymakers understand the important role pharmacy services and resources play in maintaining quality care. Our programs are designed to educate advocates on healthcare priorities, demonstrate the power of the constituent voice and its contribution to the RxIMPACT community, and advance your ability to influence the process!

Four Key RxIMPACT Grassroots Programs:

When you register to join this online program, you’ll not only learn the secrets of how policy is made, but you will receive important policy updates and calls to action as part of a community dedicated to promoting quality healthcare. Join the Team!

RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill:
Plan to attend this summer’s ground-breaking event that will bring advocates from across the nation to Washington, DC to educate Members of Congress about the importance of pro-pharmacy policy and the need for quality healthcare reform. Read here to learn more!

RxIMPACT Pharmacy Tour:
In this program, we’ll identify interested pharmacies in targeted areas, educate respective advocates on timely policy issues and effective policymaker communication and walk you through an organized tour at your pharmacy. Learn More!

RxIMPACT Training Program:
Complement what you are learning about policymaking and effective advocacy from RxIMPACT with an effective face-to-face training that can help you, your employees, and/or your community really understand how to effectively communicate with policymakers. See more!
Download our program overview fact sheet
“I know for a fact, if I do not choose to be directly involved, then someone else will make the decision for us…”

Mark Polli, RPh., Pharmacy Professional Services Director, Hannaford Bros. Co. & Sweetbay Supermarkets, who regularly participates in pro-pharmacy grassroots.
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