We need your help in requesting that the Mississippi Senate OPPOSE HB 1123, which would increase healthcare costs for Mississippi employers and patients by eliminating preferred pharmacy networks and imposing harmful PBM reimbursement mandates.
HB 1123 removes the ability of PBMs to offer preferred pharmacy networks, which allow members to access lower copays at pharmacies that agree to lower reimbursement rates. Without these networks, pharmacies can charge higher rates, leading to increased costs for employers, insurers, and patients. Additionally, HB 1123 locks in pharmacy invoice costs as the contracted reimbursement rate, ignoring negotiated agreements and leading to higher prescription drug prices.
Please join NABIP Mississippi in urging the Senate to oppose HB 1123 to protect employers and patients from increased healthcare costs.
Contact your legislator. Send an Operation Shout today urging your legislators to oppose or amend this bill.
Tell your clients to take action. Your clients may be directly impacted by this and may also send a direct message to their legislators explaining why they should oppose HB 1123. Tell them to take action here!
Thank you,
The National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals – Mississippi Chapter