Advocacy Center
Older Americans Act Reauthorization
March 1, 2024 by Meals on Wheels America

The Older Americans Act (OAA) is the critical piece of federal legislation that authorizes a wide array of community-based services and supports for older adults and their families and caregivers, including the Title III-C Nutrition Program that funds Meals on Wheels. The OAA is thoroughly reviewed every few years – a process called “reauthorization” – to extend and amend the programs and policies established by this law to better address the evolving needs of seniors and service providers. 

The current OAA law expires on September 30, 2024. We are urging a bipartisan, bicameral reauthorization of the law and its programs in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 through FY 2029 with policy changes that do no harm to the aging service network and seniors it supports and continues to address the pervasive challenges of senior hunger and isolation. We also believe reauthorization should build on the newly updated OAA regulations to modernize the law and reflect the on-the-ground needs of service providers.  

Specifically, Meals on Wheels America is calling on Congress to address the following priorities and enact them through the upcoming reauthorization:  

  1. Increase authorization funding levels for all OAA programs and provide additional resources for enhanced nutrition services.
  2. Unify OAA Congregate, Home-Delivered and the Nutrition Services Incentive Program into a single Title III-C Nutrition Program.
  3. Prioritize community-based nutrition programs and experienced network of providers in OAA grant awards and contracts.
  4. Expand senior nutrition program capacity and infrastructure support for further integration into the health care system. 
  5. Promote innovations and successful practices learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

While the OAA will continue to receive federal funding if the law is allowed to expire, an unauthorized OAA would leave programs vulnerable to other funding and administrative challenges. We’re urging Congress to take timely action to protect vital OAA programs – including senior nutrition services – and achieve final passage on reauthorization legislation before the September 30 deadline.  

As a next step, key congressional committees with jurisdiction over the OAA in both the House and Senate – including the House Workforce & Education Committee, Senate Special Committee on Aging, and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee – will take up work on this issue and ultimately introduce legislation to reauthorize the law and its programs. This includes various hearings, briefings, meetings and requests for information seeking input from key stakeholders, including the March 7 Senate HELP Committee hearing that our President and CEO, Ellie Hollander, represented and testified at on behalf of Meals on Wheels America upon invitation from Chairman Sanders and Ranking Member Cassidy. 

As a top legislative priority in our Advocacy Agenda for 2024, we are already at work to elevate the OAA reauthorization process and will be involved every step of the way. We will keep you informed on developments in the process and opportunities for you to advocate for these key OAA reauthorization priorities on behalf of programs and seniors in your state. 


In addition to these key resources, please feel free to contact our Advocacy Team with questions about OAA reauthorization at

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