Meals on Wheels America and more than 1,000 nonprofit organizations joined the Charitable Giving Coalition in sending a letter to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance, advocating for the passage of the Charitable Act (H.R. 3454, S. 566). This bipartisan legislation would expand and extend the expired non-itemized deduction for charitable giving that would ensure people who donate to charities, like Meals on Wheels, and other nonprofits of their choice are able to deduct that donation from their federal taxes at a higher level than the previous $300 deduction. With individual charitable giving declining, the Charitable Act would incentivize individuals to donate more money to charity than they otherwise would, by increasing the amount taxpayers could deduct to approximately $4,600 for individuals and $9,200 for joint filers.
November 28, 2023 by Meals on Wheels
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