Advocacy Center
Meals on Wheels America Submits Comments to USDA Regarding Improving Access and Parity in Food Distribution Programs
October 13, 2023 by Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels America submitted public comments responding to USDA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to update several food distribution programs, including The Emergency Food Distribution Program (TEFAP), the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), USDA Foods in Disasters, and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). While nearly 40% of federal funding for Meals on Wheels programs is provided through the Older Americans Act (OAA), many programs also help older adults access a variety of USDA nutrition programs including the CSFP. Meals on Wheels America comments primarily focused on the proposed changes to modernize CSFP and increase the maximum CSFP income eligibility standard, given our organization’s attention on senior nutrition programs and adults aged 60 or older. 

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