Parts of the bills that went into conference committee are concerning as they would create a dangerous reliance on unreliable energy sources and increase electricity costs for ratepayers. Among other things, they call to:
- Eliminate consumer rights by allowing the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to
terminate natural gas service to ANY existing and potentially new customer.
- End the maintenance of our multi-billion-dollar natural gas infrastructure network that millions of homes and businesses rely on.
- Advance policies that overburden our electrical system without properly considering the lack of supply of clean and affordable sources of energy.
They are handing over the reins of our state energy policy to unelected bureaucrats at the DPU so that they can slowly cut off the natural gas this state relies on for all of our power, heating, and cooking needs. They're not lying when they say they're not going to break down your door to take away your gas stove because their new plan is to just take away your gas.
Some of these provisions will actually force Massachusetts residents and businesses to rely on dirty fuels like oil during peak demand, purchased at top prices which will increase already skyrocketing costs.
Tell your legislators not to vote for any compromise legislation that would stop investing in natural gas and that would increase electric rates.