
Action Center

News From the Capitol Jan 10, 2025
January 10, 2025 by MASB Government Relations
  • 103rd Michigan Legislature Gets Underway 
  • Changes to PA152 Stalled on Way to Governor
  • Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Shows Growth in Revenues
  • Welcome to Our New Members


103rd Michigan Legislature Gets Underway 

The 2025-2026 legislative session officially began on Wednesday at noon with the swearing-in of the newly elected House members and formal election of leadership. Both the House and Senate released their session schedules for the upcoming year.

In the House, Rep. Matt Hall (R-Richland Township) was officially elected Speaker of the House, and Rep. Brian Posthumus (R-Cannon Township) was named Majority Floor Leader. For the Democrats, Rep. Ranjeev Puri (D-Canton) was chosen to be their Minority Leader was chosen to be Rep. Ranjeev Puri (D-Canton) and Rep. John Fitzgerald (D-Wyoming was chosen as Minority Floor Leader Rep. John Fitzgerald (D-Wyoming).  Leadership roles and committee assignments remain the same in the Senate as they were not up for election in 2024. We expect to hear more about committee assignments in the House in the coming weeks.

Changes to PA152 Stalled on Way to Governor

As reported in the most recent DashBoard DigestHouse Bill 6058, which makes changes to Public Act 152, the law that dictates costs public employers pay regarding health care costs, was on its way to the governor. The bill stood to cost districts approximately $85 per -pupil, among other issues. MASB, along with five5 other organizations, sent a letter outlining our concerns to the governor for her to consider as she decides to sign the bill or not.

Yesterday it was reported that it, along with eight other bills, have been held in the clerk’s office and not presented to the governor. The speaker’s office stated it was due to a legal review of technical errors in their language that occurred because of the speed at which the bills moved. At this point, the legal review will determine the next steps.

A full list of the bills we were watching during lame duck and their fates is available on our website.

Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Shows Growth in Revenues

The Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference met this morning to unveil its revenue estimates for this fiscal year and beyond. The Conference is made up of the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies and the Department of Treasury, who together determine the numbers upon which to base the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 budget after hearing multiple presentations about the economy, revenues, and economic indicators. 

The Conference showed increases over the last Revenue Estimating Conference, held in May 2024. State revenues for fiscal year 2025-2026 have increased approximately 3.6% over last year.  The School Aid Fund is expected to increase by $319 million more than was projected last year. While revenues for the General Fund were slightly higher, at $591 million. 

The governor’s office will now begin finalizing her budget, and it is expected to be presented to the legislature the first week of February. 

Welcome to Our New Members

Welcome to all the new school board members across the state, and congratulations on your election! This is the first News From the Capitol issue of 2025. Please check with your fellow board members to make sure they are receiving this newsletter as well. If any of them are not, they can sign up on our advocacy website under “Sign Up for Alerts” or contact us to make sure your email is correct in the advocacy system, which is separate from the membership database.

This newsletter will be sent out weekly when the Legislature is in session. We also use the advocacy system to send legislative alerts urging you to contact your legislators or with important breaking news. The website will be continually updated throughout the legislative session with issues we are working on and bills that we are tracking. As always, if you have any questions about our advocacy website or advocacy in general, please do not hesitate to contact your Government Relations Team.

Thank you for what you do for our students in Michigan. You may not hear it often enough, but your work is appreciated!


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