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News From the Capitol, Mar 1, 2024
March 1, 2024 by MASB's Government Relations
  • House Education Committee Holds Hearing on Repeal of Educational Instruction Access Act 
  • House Passes Modifications to CTE Millages 
  • Registration Now Open for Spring 2024 Behind the Scenes at the Capitol


House Education Committee Holds Hearing on Repeal of Educational Instruction Access Act 

On Tuesday, the House Education Committee heard testimony on House Bill 5025 which repeals the Educational Instruction Access Act. Current Michigan Law states that a school district or ISD may not refuse to sell or lease property to another entity that wishes to use it for education purposes. This limits a local school boards’ control over how its property is to be handled. 

MASB, along with the Michigan Education Association, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency, and Michigan Association of Townships support the bill. 

Hearings are expected to continue.

House Passes Modifications to CTE Millages 

On Wednesday, the House passed House Bill 4279 which modifies the requirements of taxes levied for career and technical education programs by a vote of 100-6.  The bill would allow an intermediate school district to use the CTE millage to contract with another intermediate school district for career and technical education programs. This would give more flexibility for ISDs to offer programming to their districts. 

MASB supports the bill and it now goes to the Senate Education Committee for its consideration.    

Registration Now Open for Spring 2024 Behind the Scenes at the Capitol 

Behind the Scenes at the Capitol will be held on Wednesday, April 24, in the Mackinac Room of the House Office Building in Lansing. Registration is now open!

This event will feature a panel of legislators discussing potential education issues for this year, a discourse on the changes to the superintendent evaluation law, and a budget update, among other topics. It’s a great opportunity for members to network with others from around the state and advocate on behalf of their school districts with their state elected officials. 

Register today to secure your spot.

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