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News From the Capitol, Feb 9, 2024
February 9, 2024 by MASB's Government Relations
  • Governor Unveils 2024-2025 Budget Proposal
  • House Committee Hears about Special Education Certification Extension
  • Senate Education Committee Reviews Dyslexia Screening Requirements


Governor Unveils 2024-2025 Budget Proposal

On Feb. 7, 2024, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer presented her 2024-2025 budget to the Legislature. This officially starts the budget season in Michigan. 

In her budget, she included a $241 per-pupil increase, a 2.5% increase. The proposal spreads that 2.5% increase to special education, English Language Learners, rural/isolated districts, at-risk students, ISDs, CTE and the Great Start Readiness Program. GSRP also sees significant additional funding to eliminate the income cap and allow all 4-year-olds access to the pre-k programs, as she called for in her State of the State Address. 

Rural and isolated districts, CTE and English Language Learners would see an additional 5% increase. Finally, the budget for the Department of Education also continues funding for school board member training.

Appropriations subcommittees will now begin their work on the budget. We have created a more detailed breakdown of the School Aid Budget by relevant sections for your information. We urge you to continue to talk to your legislators about how this proposal will affect your district, other items that would be useful and the timeliness of final budget decisions.

House Committee Hears about Special Education Certification Extension 

The House Education Committee met Tuesday to hear testimony on Senate Bill 518, which extends to 2027 the sunset on the provision to allow special education teachers to receive interim certificates. This alternative path has made it easier for schools to employ special education teachers.MASB supports this bill as a way to address the shortage and support the teacher recruitment challenges rural districts are facing. 

Senate Education Committee Reviews Dyslexia Screening Requirements

The Senate Education Committee began hearings on dyslexia screening and supports in our schools. Senate Bill 567 and Senate Bill 568 focus on early detection of dyslexia and would go into effect in the 2025-2026 school year. The requirement includes the screening of K-3 students three times and the use of approved screening tools and specific supports. 

MASB understands the intent of these bills but has concerns with the prescriptive nature of them. Additionally, the bill may also unintentionally limit access to services for those who have other reading disabilities not related to dyslexia. 

Testimony on the bills will continue next week.

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