
Action Center


Most Americans (78%) believe it's difficult for parents to keep children safe when they are online. Research shows that children and young people in the U.S. are increasingly online, with the vast majority (96%) of teenagers now accessing the internet daily. The internet can be a space fostering learning, creativity and community; it also presents unique risks for young users without safeguards in place. It is critical that members of Congress do their part to protect our children online and promote their safety and well-being on the internet.  Urge Congress to pass online protections for children by supporting a desperately needed update to federal law by passing the FAA Reauthorization Act, and attaching to it the bipartisan Children and Teens' Online Privacy Protection Act, COPPA 2.0 legislation.   This legislation would:

  • better protect the personal information of children online, allowing parents to erase their children's personal information that is online
  • ban targeted advertising to children and teens
  • prevent internet companies from gathering the personal data of children under the age of 16 without consent
  • create a new office dedicated to enforcing critical youth privacy and marketing laws


The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have held numerous hearings on the topic of data privacy and protection and the impact of social media on children’s health and well-being.   Congress must pass a federal data privacy and security law that establishes strong safeguards to protect children and teens when they use the internet.   Please contact your members of Congress today and urge their support for attaching the Children and Teens' Online Privacy Protection Act, COPPA 2.0 (S. 1418, H.R. 7890) to the FAA Reauthorization, H.R. 7890.   Thank you.


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