The Freedom Convoy received millions of dollars in donations to support its work and reimburse participants for expenses, but lost access to the funds when the government froze their accounts.
Demand that Government of Ontario restore the Freedom Convoy’s access to its $5.5 million in donations – send an urgent message today.
Tamara Lich and Chris Barber were two main organizers of the protest, which sought to call attention to unjust vaccine mandates and lockdown measures implemented by the Trudeau administration.
Indeed, a federal court subsequently found Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act against the protesters to be unconstitutional.
Nonetheless, Lich and Barber are charged with mischief, inciting others to commit mischief, intimidation, and obstructing police.
According to Lich, due to the trial, the Ontario government has a seizure order and a forfeiture order on the funds, preventing the planned disbursement of the donations.
“It's locked up in an escrow I think. There's about $5.5 million that are locked up in an escrow seized by the Government of Ontario. They have a seizure order on it, as well as a forfeiture order on it. So I mean, the outcome of our criminal trial is definitely going to affect that,” Lich told The Post Millennial.
“[W]e'll do what we said we were going to do, we've got registration forms, from some of the truckers and people that were in Ottawa, to reimburse them, as well. As you know, we always wanted to donate what was ever left over to the veterans, that was always our goal,” Lich said.
Demand that the Government of Ontario restore the Freedom Convoy’s access to its $5.5 million in donations – send an urgent message today.
The frozen accounts, and the ridiculously drawn-out trials of the Convoy organizers, are clear attempts by Canada's ruling class to curtail and shut down any and all objections to the Trudeau regime and its persistent attacks on our great country.
Please join our campaign today and then share it with your friends.